• Overall

    44% Rating
  • Support Rating

    38% Rating
  • Price Rating

    61% Rating
  • Uptime

    85% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - 24/7 cPanel CentOS Full
Phone - 24/7 Plesk
Phone - 24/7 Virtuozzo
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $3.96
Starting at $15.96
Starting at $19.96
Starting at $139
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Offer it?No

HostGator is one of Endurance International Group (EIG)'s flagship brands that provide Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Reseller and Cloud hosting.

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postive reviewsNegative

HostGator Review By
Joseph Martinelli (@dmv_tradesmen)2022-11-05 19:17:27
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As per my Media Department All of our websites that are under a @HostGator server with Wordpress installed are down.

HostGator Review By
Kalin Schmoldt (@kalinschmoldt)2022-11-05 14:29:25
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@HGSupport My VPS has been offline more than 2 days. Support just says "wait 2 hours" over and over. Zero communication from @HostGator.

HostGator Review By
Neil March (Trust The Doc Media/ICMP) (@TrustTheDocUK)2022-11-04 06:22:04
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@platinummind @HostGator What a pain in the butt. Hope it's back up and running soon.

negative reviewsNegative

HostGator Review By
Philip Bowen Music (@Philbow55)2022-11-02 23:36:32
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@HostGator My sites been down almost 24 hours - still no response from my escalated case

HostGator Review By
Pandita (@SeamanPandita)2022-11-01 13:48:52
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@HostGator @EveryChildMatt I'm experiencing the same - no cpanel, whm or any access at all. Not just websites down - no email, etc.

HostGator Review By
John Goulding (@_LifeOfJohn)2022-11-01 13:40:33
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@R1Creative @HostGator Same. Used em for years. Price gone up and up in that time. And service getting worse. Lack of comms pees me off.