• Overall

    70% Rating
  • Support Rating

    61% Rating
  • Price Rating

    82% Rating
  • Uptime

    97% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - No CentOS Unmanaged
Phone - No Ubuntu
Phone - No Debian
Phone - No Fedora
Phone - No Other
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


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Starting at $5.00
Offer it?No
Offer it?No
Offer it? Yes
Offer it?No

Digital Ocean provides unmanaged VPS/Cloud servers designed for developers. They also offer storage solutions and load balancing for their servers. Digital Ocean also have a very large library of tutorials to teach you how to build, configure and deploy your applications.

Digital Ocean Coupons

  • None
Get Hosting with Digital Ocean

postive reviewsPositive

Digital Ocean Review By
Jason Ormand (@okor)2013-02-12 11:14:40
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@AaronJHolbrook Thanks. I'm currently using both. @digitalocean emails you your root password after initial machine build : /

Digital Ocean Review By
Jason Ormand (@okor)2013-02-12 11:34:01
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0 out of 0 people found this review to be helpful

@digitalocean You have a great service guys.

Digital Ocean Review By
Rodrigo Ayala (@RodrigoAyala)2013-02-12 12:46:21
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@digitalocean awesome!, great choice of distros ;). I will give it a try.

postive reviewsPositive

Digital Ocean Review By
Gman (@thegmanehack)2013-02-12 14:46:20
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@notcom I have one server on 6sync, I will be moving to DigitalOcean. They look pretty slick.

Digital Ocean Review By
Arif Widi Nugroho (@arifwn)2013-02-12 15:08:11
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Trying out a centos server @digitalocean. So far so good.

Digital Ocean Review By
Cosmin Popovici (@iCosmin)2013-02-12 16:05:45
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@digitalocean Awesome, thanks again! Now to start preparing for the switch :)