• Overall

    41% Rating
  • Support Rating

    38% Rating
  • Price Rating

    50% Rating
  • Uptime

    87% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - M-F 10AM-6 cPanel linux Unmanaged
Phone - M-F 10AM-6 Full
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $4.95
Starting at $65
Starting at $23.95
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Site5 is one of Endurance International Group (EIG)'s brands that provide Shared, VPS, Reseller and Cloud hosting.

Site5's reputation has fallen greatly post-acquisition and discussed in The Sinking of Site5

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postive reviewsPositive

Site5 Review By
alisajoseph (@Dancingurl3121)2018-09-04 15:05:44
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@site5 Good customer service makes it seamless for clients. Right now that's not the case. Should not take 3 days to resolve...

Site5 Review By
Shoe (@theogshoe)2018-08-30 14:35:38
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@site5 @gardenlevel That would be great if any of your support options actually worked. Chat, phone and ticketing all go unanswered.

Site5 Review By
Julian Gilbey (@JulianMaths)2018-08-29 15:03:08
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@mrbartonmaths @site5 Delighted to hear that! You must be so relieved! Best wishes and I look forward to more interesting interviews!

negative reviewsNegative

Site5 Review By
Mike Holbert (@SleepyStork)2019-09-04 21:48:25
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@site5 My server has been down all day. I've contacted support three times.

Site5 Review By
Shahin Katebi (@ShahinKatebi)2019-08-30 08:49:47
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I am migrating away all remaining websites from @site5 after 8 years of usage. Their services are getting worse every year.

Site5 Review By
CritterWill (@benwoodtweet)2019-07-15 02:28:26
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@sfdebris @site5 That sucks. Really sorry to here man.