• Overall

    41% Rating
  • Support Rating

    38% Rating
  • Price Rating

    50% Rating
  • Uptime

    87% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - M-F 10AM-6 cPanel linux Unmanaged
Phone - M-F 10AM-6 Full
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $4.95
Starting at $65
Starting at $23.95
Offer it?No
Offer it? Yes
Offer it?No

Site5 is one of Endurance International Group (EIG)'s brands that provide Shared, VPS, Reseller and Cloud hosting.

Site5's reputation has fallen greatly post-acquisition and discussed in The Sinking of Site5

Site5 Coupons

  • None
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postive reviewsPositive

Site5 Review By
J. A. Huss (@JAHuss)2013-07-09 19:26:33
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@Giselleco @princessgrace10 @contagiousreads @JLeon09 All my business websites are on Site5. I've used them for years, they are really good.

Site5 Review By
Ryan D. Sullivan (@ryandonsullivan)2013-08-02 13:15:01
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@jaredatch @dremeda I hear that. They do have a managed option but is +$100. Site5 and A Small Orange are other solid VPS options (managed).

Site5 Review By
Robert Dall (@robertdall)2013-10-30 23:03:03
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@thoronas @brian_pearce Still love my hosted email with my hosting from site5… IMAP all the way baby!

negative reviewsNegative

Site5 Review By
Andrea (@foodembrace)2014-10-13 10:44:24
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@site5 Oh no I have coffee for sure. Totally prepared, just annoyed.

Site5 Review By
mindfulless (@betteraghost)2016-06-08 22:23:44
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i knew as soon as @site5 announced it was purchased by EIG shit would go downhill fast. was. not. wrong.

Site5 Review By
Jose Cabello (@josecabellonet)2016-09-23 10:06:13
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@site5 The server is down again!!!! Please notify to The admins