• Overall

    41% Rating
  • Support Rating

    38% Rating
  • Price Rating

    50% Rating
  • Uptime

    87% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - M-F 10AM-6 cPanel linux Unmanaged
Phone - M-F 10AM-6 Full
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $4.95
Starting at $65
Starting at $23.95
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Site5 is one of Endurance International Group (EIG)'s brands that provide Shared, VPS, Reseller and Cloud hosting.

Site5's reputation has fallen greatly post-acquisition and discussed in The Sinking of Site5

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postive reviewsPositive

Site5 Review By
Christian Hanvey (@christianhanvey)2013-08-30 03:18:36
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@einsteinsboi thanks - I use site5 too, but client would prefer local.

Site5 Review By
NicoleDufourDurocher (@bklyncontessa)2013-10-03 06:05:14
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@louloufrance @natashalarousse @LostNCheeseland I've used @site5 for years here

Site5 Review By
Kyle Weishaupt (@kyleweishaupt)2014-06-24 12:17:39
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So @site5 claims they're for "designers & developers", yet won't install #composer globally for my work's server... GREAT JOB GUYS.

negative reviewsNegative

Site5 Review By
Kal Sayid (@kalactic)2017-03-08 16:48:45
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Unbelievable. We're taking you off @site5 hosting RIGHT NOW @SigElectric. So sorry for this. They used to have their shit together.

Site5 Review By
El Roger (@alexdinamo)2017-07-04 12:15:35
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@site5 So, 4 weeks and you can't answer a cancellation request. Your customer service really sucks.

Site5 Review By
Nova Z (E. Nova) (@l_N0VA_l)2018-08-15 09:43:56
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@site5 chat system is down I left a ticket but no one has responded i require assistance ASAP my server and email are both down