• Overall

    41% Rating
  • Support Rating

    38% Rating
  • Price Rating

    50% Rating
  • Uptime

    87% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - M-F 10AM-6 cPanel linux Unmanaged
Phone - M-F 10AM-6 Full
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $4.95
Starting at $65
Starting at $23.95
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Offer it? Yes
Offer it?No

Site5 is one of Endurance International Group (EIG)'s brands that provide Shared, VPS, Reseller and Cloud hosting.

Site5's reputation has fallen greatly post-acquisition and discussed in The Sinking of Site5

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postive reviewsPositive

Site5 Review By
Jason Lombard (@jasonrlombard)2014-03-11 12:39:28
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@CameronGilroy @lukef @samuelclarke @Site5 also has a location in Sydney. Been with them for over 3 years—their service is fantastic.

Site5 Review By
Richard Ludlam (@__RichieRich__)2014-08-26 16:43:14
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@anthonysterling @steevieb1 @EpicToneDogg @site5 @site5themes cool, looks good thanks

Site5 Review By
Brian Hinton (@briannhinton)2016-07-12 06:46:41
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@Jack_Franklin site5 would be good at a low cost

negative reviewsNegative

Site5 Review By
ViciousPrism (@ViciousPrism)2016-12-08 14:41:00
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Welp. Site5 really has gone to shit since they got bought out. I'm gonna have to move web host, it seems.

Site5 Review By
Ishmael (@seraphimsun)2016-12-23 00:02:39
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@taylorswift13 weakne55 and inadequacie5. Lol. When I roll through, I'm only visiting. Seeing the site5. Hu5t watch. Mwah. No trouble. Watch

Site5 Review By
PDX Pipeline (@PdxPipeline)2017-02-23 15:30:13
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@site5 Both of our website are down again. I put in a ticket. The last ticket I put in was not responded to in a timely manner. Advise.