• Overall

    70% Rating
  • Support Rating

    58% Rating
  • Price Rating

    64% Rating
  • Uptime

    97% Rating
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Operating Systems
Phone - Paid Upgra linux Unmanaged
Phone - Paid Upgra Windows Partial
Phone - Paid Upgra CentOS Full
Phone - Paid Upgra Ubuntu
Phone - Paid Upgra Other
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


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Azure is Microsoft's cloud hosting platform. Azure offers servers in 38 different regions. Microsoft offers compute instances and a variety of other services that you would expect from one of the largest cloud providers.

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postive reviewsNegative

Azure Review By
Aaron Seet (@icelava)2014-05-06 00:15:57
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sorry to state it but #windowsazure has rotten internal network reliability between cloud services.

Azure Review By
nathantolbert (@nathantolbert)2014-04-08 12:05:14
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Heh, the @WindowsAzure portal is broken for half the people in this training class. Doesn't inspire confidence in the platform.

Azure Review By
embeducation (@AWSOMEDEVSIGNER)2014-04-03 21:13:10
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@roschler @WindowsAzure be a problem then. Logically that should work.

negative reviewsNegative

Azure Review By
Holger Mueller (@holgermu)2014-04-03 12:53:40
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@lauriemccabe My bad - typo - meant @WindowsAzure - a lot done to make it easier to build websites. #bldwin

Azure Review By
Redirect (@RedirectDigDir)2014-04-03 12:09:46
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@WindowsAzure Urgent- Please help, our trial was cancelled and needs to be upgraded ASAP. Support has not been helpful at all!!

Azure Review By
Matija Grcic (@matijagrcic)2014-04-03 06:19:00
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Bad luck, or some kind of maintenance. @aliostad @WindowsAzure never had such problems,always under a few minutes.Crazy fast if you ask me.