• Overall

    62% Rating
  • Support Rating

    42% Rating
  • Price Rating

    92% Rating
  • Uptime

    95% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - linux Unmanaged
Phone - CentOS
Phone - Ubuntu
Phone - Debian
Phone - Other
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


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ScaleWay provides ARM powered VPS/Cloud Infrastructure. All servers run SSD backed drives and are available in Amsterdam and Paris datacenters. ScaleWay is unique in that they've designed their own ARM based servers.

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postive reviewsNegative

ScaleWay Review By
aeris (@aeris22)2018-04-04 15:05:33
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@OpenPrunus Comme d’hab, les scaleway ne supportent pas la charge et plante en kernel panic assez facilement.

ScaleWay Review By
David Flanagan (@rawkode)2023-03-09 09:34:00
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Fun! Too easy though. @Scaleway, we need hard mode

ScaleWay Review By
Taras (@apachx)2018-04-24 04:19:18
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@stereoflo_ru @scaleway @online_fr I have a bad news: this service does not work correctly.

negative reviewsNegative

ScaleWay Review By
Thomas P (@ScullWM)2015-09-25 15:41:13
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Erf it's impossible to #monitor @scaleway #ARM instance with @newrelic … #Damn !

ScaleWay Review By
Sven (@the_mazim)2017-05-17 08:19:22
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@scaleway @online_en your information policy seems to be quite bad. It took you about 2 weeks to make a statement, which is ridiculous.

ScaleWay Review By
Adam K Dean (@imdsm)2016-03-09 05:38:02
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@scaleway Sad that Docker isn't supported out of the box. If I had the time I might get it working but not sure it's worth the hassle. #sad