• Overall

    70% Rating
  • Support Rating

    78% Rating
  • Price Rating

    76% Rating
  • Uptime

    93% Rating

LiquidWeb has been in the managed web hosting space for 20 years. LiquidWeb offers Dedicated, VPS, Cloud and WordPress hosting. They also offer custom solutions to meet HIPAA, PCI Compliance and other special needs.

LiquidWeb has won Best Managed VPS, Best Shared Hosting and Best Managed Support awards from Review Signal. LiquidWeb also participated in our WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks for the first time in 2016 and earned themselves top tier status for both plans that were tested.

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postive reviewsPositive

LiquidWeb Review By
Vision Technologies (@Vision_Tech_Inc)2021-09-21 13:40:09
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@LiquidWeb We may be biased but we think @Vision_Tech_Inc has the best IT pros around! #ITProDay

LiquidWeb Review By
KC Marketing Agency, LLC (@KCMarketingAge1)2021-09-10 22:36:34
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0 out of 0 people found this review to be helpful

@LiquidWeb You guys are truly professionals. I can't refer you enough. Awesome support and people. Thank you for all you do!

LiquidWeb Review By
Greg Taylor (@GRTaylor2)2021-08-03 10:16:53
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0 out of 0 people found this review to be helpful

@LiquidWeb You guys are the best. Thank you for helping @TrinityWebMedia out so much lately. #truepartners

negative reviewsNegative

LiquidWeb Review By
John McKown (@JohnMckown)2020-03-25 12:28:17
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@liquidweb This is a terrible time for your dashboard to be down. FIX IT PLEASE!!!!

LiquidWeb Review By
By The Wavs (@ByTheWavs)2020-03-13 12:09:30
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Looks like @LiquidWeb's site is broken.

LiquidWeb Review By
Delovely Details (@DelovelyDetails)2020-03-06 21:15:29
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@FairyTaleMindy @LiquidWeb That is awful!!! I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this and thank you for being open about your experience.