• Overall

    63% Rating
  • Support Rating

    67% Rating
  • Price Rating

    73% Rating
  • Uptime

    96% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - 24/7 Plesk Red Hat Unmanaged
Phone - 24/7 Windows Full
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


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postive reviewsPositive

RackSpace Review By
Robin Bate Boerop (@robinbateboerop)2012-02-03 09:42:06
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

Props to @Rackspace for coming through with free hosting for my tech startup!

RackSpace Review By
David Duncan (@davdunc)2012-01-26 21:50:18
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

@gapingvoid @rackspace is one of the few companies that really groks how to participate fully in #opensource. They are a great co.

RackSpace Review By
Joseph King (@ThoughtWorksCMO)2012-01-17 11:02:29
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

2nd confirmed speaker for #ThoughtWorks Live in April is from Expedia. Last week RackSpace confirmed. Should be a great event.

negative reviewsNegative

RackSpace Review By
Stacy Chapman (@stacybchapman)2017-07-13 16:31:55
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@Rackspace Email problems are not improving. Slow-downs happening for weeks, but last few days are awful. It shouldn't take days to fix.

RackSpace Review By
tdelam (@tdelam)2012-12-23 12:16:50
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I am not impressed with @Rackspace performance anymore. Spun up 4 cloud instances that are chugging along slowly, swapping, SSH lags #fix :(

RackSpace Review By
(((Evan Marc Katz))) (@evanmarckatz)2017-07-26 01:38:39
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@Rackspace I have had the worst customer service experience in my entire life with Rackspace today. Just thought you should know.