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postive reviewsPositive

RackSpace Review By
Mani C. Fazeli (@mcfazeli)2011-09-15 13:15:36
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

JoyentCloud definitely looks enticing. I'll have to spin up a couple of machines and try them out to compare to AWS and RackSpace @Joyent

RackSpace Review By
obxdesignworks (@obxdesignworks)2011-09-13 18:15:57
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

Once again I would like to say how much @Rackspace rules. Thank you for just being awesome.

RackSpace Review By
Shelby Sapusek (@ShelMKE)2011-09-08 19:52:22
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

Lots of @rackspace cloud server mojo going on @web414 tonight. Awesome stuff. #web414

negative reviewsNegative

RackSpace Review By
Jason Moore (@mooreplusone)2011-09-13 20:02:42
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@panic running subversion off a dedicated #Rackspace server. PHP/Linux based. Now I really wish I had a screenshot

RackSpace Review By
FIPSmode Squad (@anthonypants)2017-03-24 19:14:51
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@me_irl @Rackspace the worst part is I'm not entirely sure whether it's per-site, or for the whole account. but my guess is the second one.

RackSpace Review By
John Raygoza (@johnraygoza)2011-09-20 13:38:26
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@lnapier I heard you have some clout at @rackspace. Please read my tweets. My sites been down and we are about to lose our advertisers