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postive reviewsPositive

Heroku Review By
Truman Boyes (@trumanboyes)2011-02-06 03:59:54
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@JUNOSRob yeah been looking at Heroku, seems pretty cool and the high level API and pricing models looks good.

Heroku Review By
Matt Milosavljevic (@mmilo)2011-02-06 19:59:36
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@siganakis well heroku is more of a convenience thing, it's like 1 command and it does everything else for you, pretty amazing actually

Heroku Review By
Ryan Smith (@ryandotsmith)2011-02-07 02:25:42
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@cjkihlbom it was good to meet you the other day! I hope you had a good time at @heroku. I can't wait to submit a proposal for nordic ruby.

negative reviewsNegative

Heroku Review By
Dustin (@dustineichler)2011-02-14 20:03:19
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@heroku any idea why activerecord throws up mysql sock(2) error. this is a sinatra app, but switched to sqlite now. works, but just curious

Heroku Review By
Bryant Deters (@brunt)2011-02-15 22:17:49
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I find it strange that Heroku has problems with the way I use the Time class.

Heroku Review By
Evan Light (@elight)2011-02-17 21:20:18
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@bleything I cant hide in Heroku land forever... But it's damn convenient a lot of the time.