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postive reviewsPositive

Heroku Review By
Marcel du Preez (@marceldupreez)2011-12-13 08:18:53
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I used to loath coding .NET after spending time in Ruby, Sinatra, Heroku. Now with Nuget, AppHarbor, Nancy I love coding at work again.

Heroku Review By
Marc Love (@marcslove)2011-10-03 19:28:43
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Pretty awesome that now with @Heroku you can deploy Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Java, Python and Scala apps with a simple "git push."

Heroku Review By
John Allspaw (@allspaw)2011-04-27 00:04:09
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12 out of 12 people found this review to be helpful

Excellent work on Heroku's awareness of outage fatigue and foresight to have Ops handoff on intervals: http://status.heroku.com/incident/151

negative reviewsNegative

Heroku Review By
Matt Aimonetti (@merbist)2011-08-04 23:34:52
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I think it's quite sad that @heroku doesn't offer HTTP caching anymore (varnish's gone on cedar).

Heroku Review By
Edgar González (@edgar)2012-02-25 14:01:06
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Heroku is #down - Elevated Error Rates - https://t.co/4pQW9O5Q #fail

Heroku Review By
Pierre-Yves Ricau (@Piwai)2012-01-29 19:45:19
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Tonight, I killed a poor single Heroku Dyno thanks to @GatlingTool :-)