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postive reviewsPositive

Heroku Review By
Zach Holman (@holman)2011-04-09 20:05:57
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7 out of 7 people found this review to be helpful

1) Guys do lightning talk 2) Mention they don't know how to set up on Heroku 3) Heroku's @bmizerany swoops in #codeconf love connection

Heroku Review By
Dan Belwood (@dbelwood)2012-03-02 11:49:24
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6 out of 6 people found this review to be helpful

Damn you, @heroku ! Making me write container-less #java is making me like writing in java again!

Heroku Review By
Stevie Graham (@stevegraham)2012-02-18 10:54:06
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6 out of 6 people found this review to be helpful

feel like a cheat to use services like @twilio @pusher @heroku at a hackathon. they enable me to make something mind blowing in a few hours.

negative reviewsNegative

Heroku Review By
Luckner Jr (@lucknerjb)2012-01-09 16:17:23
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

Calling it a day for now and leaving ghe office. #heroku not liking my new rails app push. Debug session tonight :-)

Heroku Review By
Rafael Rosa (@rafaelrosafu)2011-12-21 23:04:41
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

It's impossible not to love @heroku, the easiest way to deploy a Rails app

Heroku Review By
Pelle Braendgaard (@PelleB)2011-11-13 01:02:14
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

@heroku the random transfer of ownership of apps is a huge security problem. You need to acknowledge support requests. It's been 6+ hours.