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postive reviewsNegative

Heroku Review By
Sam Matthews (@vancematthews)2015-06-02 14:12:57
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heroku run bash "That's the poor man's SSH" ~@bsmithgall

Heroku Review By
Brendon Murphy (@xternal)2013-07-14 14:30:12
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heroku feature I would KILL for: api to blacklist ips in heroku routing stack. Even rack is too late. I realize this is very non-trivial.

Heroku Review By
Pat Allan (@pat)2013-07-17 18:23:48
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@halorgium as far as Heroku was concerned, the process was running - but jobs weren’t being processed.

negative reviewsNegative

Heroku Review By
Mr Pepper (@Asebolka)2013-08-01 22:56:23
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@heroku + Rails 4.0 = Bad news... @onemonthrails (no idea how I ended up with Rails 4.0.0 with RailsInstaller)

Heroku Review By
Emily Claire Reese (@eclairereese)2015-07-30 11:44:22
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I want to update WoR but fear erasing its noob Bootstrappy charm! Maybe I'll leave it on Heroku/point the actual WoR domain to something new

Heroku Review By
Rohit Mishra (@movingahead)2012-12-07 13:25:37
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I now see why people cough up money for the likes of Heroku and Engine Yard. AWS is being a big pain and I a just getting started.