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postive reviewsPositive

Heroku Review By
Tomas Lin (@tomaslin)2011-09-10 07:22:34
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Got an email back from James Ward saying that Heroku is definitively looking into supporting Grails. So happy.

Heroku Review By
Pat Allan (@pat)2011-07-12 20:50:17
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Not only is Matz joining Heroku to work on Ruby full-time, other Ruby core members may be doing the same - great news! http://bit.ly/r3zQ0k

Heroku Review By
Tim Milliron (@timmilliron)2012-01-11 11:58:26
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5 out of 5 people found this review to be helpful

Looking forward to a great day at @heroku #waza. Check out my session about API-design @twilio. 3:15 in the upstairs lounge.

postive reviewsPositive

Heroku Review By
Toby Clemson (@tobyclemson)2012-01-06 09:41:12
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Clojure ring app deployed to Heroku in about 3 minutes... can even attach a remote REPL... staggeringly awesome #heroku #clojure

Heroku Review By
RubyConf Uruguay (@rubyconfuruguay)2011-11-12 05:26:19
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The drink-up last night was a resounding success. Many thanks to @ped, @bmizerany and the rest of @heroku for an awesome night!

Heroku Review By
PyCodeConf (@PyCodeConf)2011-09-28 17:09:28
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Happy to officially announce the sponsors of the Epic Pool Party, @heroku! They have put together an amazing event for you.