• Overall

    55% Rating
  • Support Rating

    63% Rating
  • Price Rating

    68% Rating
  • Uptime

    91% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - 24/7 Custom CentOS
Phone - 24/7 Ubuntu
Phone - 24/7 Debian
Phone - 24/7 Fedora
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $20
Starting at $30
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Offer it?No
Offer it? Yes
Starting at $20

MediaTemple offers Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Cloud and WordPress hosting. MediaTemple hosts over 1.5 million websites.

MediaTemple has participated in our WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks multiple years earning Top Tier status in 2014 and two honorable mentions in 2016.

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postive reviewsPositive

MediaTemple Review By
Memeza (@memezacom)2011-01-27 16:46:45
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Days like today I miss @mediatemple transparency behind their operations. Don't ever underestimate providers that share their system status.

MediaTemple Review By
Chris Harrison (@cdharrison)2011-01-27 16:49:02
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@mediatemple you rock. Thank you.

MediaTemple Review By
Ryan Adams (@caffeinecoder)2011-01-27 18:37:13
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@mediatemple Thanks mate, its odd because we found your servers great but this gs seems to be really slow. Only good things to say otherwise

negative reviewsNegative

MediaTemple Review By
Ryan Adams (@caffeinecoder)2011-01-27 18:28:55
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Hey @mediatemple Have you ever experienced very slow wordpress sites after using you 1-Click Software Install. We are experiencing this now

MediaTemple Review By
James Hamilton (@chippieTV)2011-01-27 20:03:11
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@mediatemple is (dv) still down in parts? I'm getting errors trying to log into plesk and the site is down. Told the client to sit tight..

MediaTemple Review By
Kristin F (@kris_was_here)2011-01-27 20:30:00
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I have really not been a fan of MediaTemple hosting lately. Slow servers, FTP timeouts, etc. Boo!