• Overall

    55% Rating
  • Support Rating

    63% Rating
  • Price Rating

    68% Rating
  • Uptime

    91% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - 24/7 Custom CentOS
Phone - 24/7 Ubuntu
Phone - 24/7 Debian
Phone - 24/7 Fedora
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $20
Starting at $30
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Starting at $20

MediaTemple offers Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Cloud and WordPress hosting. MediaTemple hosts over 1.5 million websites.

MediaTemple has participated in our WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks multiple years earning Top Tier status in 2014 and two honorable mentions in 2016.

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postive reviewsPositive

MediaTemple Review By
Lilly Ngo Crick (@freelilly)2011-05-23 19:31:49
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Good Units at the Hudson for #tcdisrupt @mediatemple party. 9 to 1am YAY!

MediaTemple Review By
Russell Allert (@RussellAllert)2011-05-12 02:16:57
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I'm realising how great @mediatemple is after using @melbourneIT for work, which is both overly complicated and has a slow website

MediaTemple Review By
Mike Elliott (@mikeelliott)2011-04-28 20:30:19
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3 years on @mediatemple DV & no complaints until now. Uploading files is like watching paint dry. Customer service is great though.

postive reviewsPositive

MediaTemple Review By
Jessica Gottlieb (@JessicaGottlieb)2011-02-02 00:52:38
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With absolutely nothing to gain or lose financially I'm going to publicly recommend @mediatemple grid service for all bloggers.

MediaTemple Review By
Jaybird (Top .001% of Jaybirds) (@JaybirdOnTwitch)2023-01-27 14:28:04
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@mediatemple I love you just for the fact that I had the option to hold without music for phone support

MediaTemple Review By
James Shiner (@JamesShiner)2023-01-24 09:31:04
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@mediatemple @Ari14850 Your current chat wait time is 12 hours! What a joke, I used to love MediaTemple.