• Overall

    55% Rating
  • Support Rating

    63% Rating
  • Price Rating

    68% Rating
  • Uptime

    91% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - 24/7 Custom CentOS
Phone - 24/7 Ubuntu
Phone - 24/7 Debian
Phone - 24/7 Fedora
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $20
Starting at $30
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Offer it? Yes
Starting at $20

MediaTemple offers Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Cloud and WordPress hosting. MediaTemple hosts over 1.5 million websites.

MediaTemple has participated in our WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks multiple years earning Top Tier status in 2014 and two honorable mentions in 2016.

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postive reviewsPositive

MediaTemple Review By
Sherry Liu (@sherryliu)2011-01-28 14:36:31
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@kriscolvin mediatemple setup finished. i'm installing the theme!

MediaTemple Review By
__ Adam __ (@140adam)2011-01-28 15:03:10
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Taken the plunge and I'm now a @mediatemple customer. Hoping for a smooth and wonderful relationship.

MediaTemple Review By
Wes Goodhoofd (@wesgood)2011-01-28 15:33:16
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Cancelled my Bluehost server today because I've been rocking the (gs) of @mediatemple for almost 5 months now. Super happy with (gs)

postive reviewsPositive

MediaTemple Review By
Diane Whiddon (@dianewb)2011-01-28 15:52:09
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Reason # 37 I host with @mediatemple : Their phone support music is currently "Lyrical Gansta."

MediaTemple Review By
__ Adam __ (@140adam)2011-01-28 15:56:56
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@mediatemple hmm, still nothing as yet... *eagerly waiting*

MediaTemple Review By
Kris Harris (@qrunchmonkey)2011-01-29 04:01:58
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@pdparticle As soon as I start getting enough traffic to justify it I'll probably move to MediaTemple & S3 or something like that.