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    88% Rating
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Phone - 24/7 Plesk
Phone - 24/7 Small Business Panel
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


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ServInt has been providing managed VPS and Dedicated servers since 1995.

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postive reviewsPositive

ServInt Review By
Chad Heipler (@cheipler)2014-06-28 20:00:47
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@servint I'm sure you are doing all that you can to resolve this issue but must say your usual top notch notification is failing today.

ServInt Review By
TipRadar (@Tipradar)2014-06-28 19:50:25
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@servint sure my VPS are offline, but i'm sure you will address quickly as always, you rock! :)

ServInt Review By
Steve M (@Stevopolis)2014-06-28 19:46:23
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@servint I don't envy you guys, I know it'll be frantic behind the scenes. Night time here in UK but still, an update would be good pls.

postive reviewsPositive

ServInt Review By
Mario E Moreno (@youcabo)2014-06-28 19:42:56
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@servint I am in Mexico, Baja area, is down from here too, not able to access either your website or our server. Good luck solving it!

ServInt Review By
Shailesh Kumar (@arohan)2014-06-28 19:18:55
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Servint is down and with it Value Stock Guide as well. They are working on it and have been awesome host.

ServInt Review By
Michael Cacace (@gnarlycupcakes)2014-06-25 10:23:40
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@servint Hey that's pretty awesome accept for the 72 HOURS DOWNTIME MY CLIENTS ARE EXPERIENCING JESUS CHRIST