• Overall

    60% Rating
  • Support Rating

    56% Rating
  • Price Rating

    10% Rating
  • Uptime

    92% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - 24/7 CentOS Unmanaged
Phone - 24/7 Debian
Phone - 24/7 Fedora
Phone - 24/7 Red Hat
Phone - 24/7 Ubuntu
Phone - 24/7 Windows
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


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Starting at $300
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postive reviewsNegative

GoGrid Review By
Tom Fogarty (@tomfogarty)2011-04-06 10:31:51
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having a lot of problems with @GoGrid outage lately. Hope they get their network infrastructure straightened out or we'll have to go to EC2

GoGrid Review By
immon (@immon)2011-04-20 04:15:16
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Got a letter from GoGrid... security breached, credit card information possibly stolen :). Not good for trust, but thanks for informing

GoGrid Review By
PaulLancaster (@PaulLancaster)2011-05-09 14:10:26
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John Keagy, CEO, GoGrid on "The False Cloud Debate" at #Interop today.

negative reviewsNegative

GoGrid Review By
Mixed In Key (@MixedInKey)2011-05-10 14:37:20
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It happens to every company, but I am NOT happy. Half our websites just went down due to at an epic screwup at GoGrid. Fixing as we speak

GoGrid Review By
Dan Turkenkopf (@dturkenk)2011-06-23 15:54:27
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.@GoGrid Not true. A good private cloud still supports multi-tenancy. Tenants = internal orgs rather than companies.

GoGrid Review By
philipgavlan (@philipgavlan)2011-06-24 13:01:27
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@BenJerrysWest hey guys! giving another try for GoGrid, hills plaza, 2 harrison suite #200! :D