• Overall

    64% Rating
  • Support Rating

    65% Rating
  • Price Rating

    91% Rating
  • Uptime

    94% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - Yes cPanel CentOS Unmanaged
Phone - Yes Plesk Fedora Partial
Phone - Yes FreeBSD Full
Phone - Yes Ubuntu
Phone - Yes Debian
Phone - Yes OpenSuse
Phone - Yes Windows
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $2.50
Starting at $10
Offer it?No
Starting at $38
Offer it? No
Offer it?No

Hetzner offers Shared, VPS, and Dedicated hosting. They are generally known for their unmanaged low-priced servers. They own and operate their own data centers in Germany and Finland.

Hetzner Coupons

  • None
Get Hosting with Hetzner

postive reviewsNegative

Hetzner Review By
Richard Patel (@terorie_dev)2022-11-02 13:23:39
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@MF_JJJJ @Hetzner_Online This shouldn’t come to a surprise to anyone. Hetzner always been taking servers offline *before* asking.

Hetzner Review By
Jake McKnight (@usrbinpikachu)2018-08-27 22:13:46
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The fucking irony of Hetzner sending an abuse complaint to anybody

Hetzner Review By
Joel Wir?mu, Pauling (@aenertia)2012-07-16 18:28:48
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@serenecloud then tell them to Fuck off politely and find another host. I like hetzner.de ;-)

negative reviewsNegative

Hetzner Review By
moemedi ems (@EmzitoDeMob)2012-08-30 09:24:20
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hetzner down = websites down = work down = mood down = no money :-(

Hetzner Review By
Maximilian Hamstengel (@MedPlex_)2022-11-08 03:54:29
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Discord - Paketverlust und Laggs ohne ende Meine Hetzner Server - Offline

Hetzner Review By
DjangoEurope.com (@djangoeurope)2014-09-07 18:24:22
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Because of a network problem all servers are unreachable. hetzner is working on it. The problem should be fixed soon.