• Overall

    57% Rating
  • Support Rating

    65% Rating
  • Price Rating

    77% Rating
  • Uptime

    88% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - No Custom CentOS
Phone - No Ubuntu
Phone - No Debian
Phone - No Fedora
Phone - No Other
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


Starting at $8.95
Starting at $15
Offer it?No
Starting at $99
Offer it? Yes
Starting at $19.95

DreamHost offers Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Cloud and WordPress (DreamPress) Hosting. DreamHost has been in the web hosting business for 20 years and hosts over 1.5 million websites.

DreamHost participated in our WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks (2016) where they earned our top tier WordPress Hosting performance award.

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postive reviewsPositive

DreamHost Review By
FlameFlash (@flameflash)2023-03-13 14:19:22
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@samdragosa I use dreamhost. At least to hold all my images. Then plain wordpress for the actual blog management

DreamHost Review By
??Softie? Michigan (@InsatiableSofti)2023-03-01 14:01:33
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@domme_goth I used Dreamhost for hosting and WordPress with Astra/Elementor for design!

DreamHost Review By
Elijah (@MrElijahJAllen)2023-02-23 17:22:35
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@DreamHost You’re my personal favorite going on 5 years!

negative reviewsNegative

DreamHost Review By
Angel2ndclass (@sph7)2023-02-21 22:49:28
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Still same problem after 1 week!!!! they want #ElectricCars can't even have #wordpresswebsite running @DreamHost

DreamHost Review By
Angel2ndclass (@sph7)2023-02-21 22:47:49
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@DreamHost Nothing has changed. All our websites are down again @DreamHost I think everyone should know

DreamHost Review By
Ward Presley (@flat3rth)2023-02-16 21:39:25
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@ali Dreamhost Dreampress. But it's California based and I'd be afraid they would take your stuff down.