• Overall

    82% Rating
  • Support Rating

    80% Rating
  • Price Rating

    87% Rating
  • Uptime

    98% Rating

Pantheon is a web hosting company that specializes in WordPress and Drupal. It provides extensive developer tools designed for organizations and agencies.

Pantheon has participated in our annual WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks and earned two top tier placements in 2016.

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postive reviewsPositive

Pantheon Review By
Fortuitas (@Fortuitas)2015-01-06 18:11:17
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9 out of 13 people found this review to be helpful

Thoroughly impressed with the workflow capabilities of @getpantheon. Deploying from Live to Dev, Dev to Test, Test to Live is a cakewalk!

Pantheon Review By
Brian Callahan (@biking_brian)2012-12-03 12:34:52
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5 out of 7 people found this review to be helpful

The Pantheon Drupal platform is quite awesome. If you like #Drupal you will love @pantheon_drupal.

Pantheon Review By
Matt (@matt_815)2015-01-09 07:07:15
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

@getpantheon the Workflow option to migrate your database and code between environments is pretty awesome!

negative reviewsNegative

Pantheon Review By
paulbooker (@paulbooker)2015-06-04 10:09:51
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3 out of 3 people found this review to be helpful

Lost so much time today just trying (and failing) to upload a website to pantheon @getpantheon

Pantheon Review By
Morehead Planetarium (@moreheadplanet)2015-01-21 09:50:57
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@getpantheon You need to provide biz customers with 24 hr tech support. Our site is down. Your tech support at this moment is nonexistent.

Pantheon Review By
Jen Lampton (@jenlampton)2016-09-03 17:54:13
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4 out of 6 people found this review to be helpful

@getpantheon I know support is off for the weekend, but backups (both automated and manual) are kinda broken atm: all .gz files end in .sql