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Pantheon is a web hosting company that specializes in WordPress and Drupal. It provides extensive developer tools designed for organizations and agencies.

Pantheon has participated in our annual WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks and earned two top tier placements in 2016.

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postive reviewsNegative

Pantheon Review By
Michael Moses (@michaelmoses)2016-04-26 19:27:25
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@getpantheon There was an error while logging you in."We are currently experiencing system errors. 1/2

Pantheon Review By
Eric J. Gruber (@ericjgruber)2016-04-27 14:58:21
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I’ve been waiting six days to get a support request resolved (that it screwed up) from @getpantheon. Used to recommend a lot, but now … no.

Pantheon Review By
Wim Leers (@wimleers)2016-06-15 15:17:15
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@stevector @getpantheon Sigh. Globals. This should really use cacheability metadata which will bubble. This is a very bad practice.

negative reviewsNegative

Pantheon Review By
Jake Zeta Acosta (@mexicanlawyerrr)2016-06-19 01:17:23
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@getpantheon fuck u

Pantheon Review By
Sterling Hamilton (@SterLo)2016-06-23 13:19:56
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@newrelic "You do not have permission to view this account" every time we try to access the APM from @getpantheon :-\

Pantheon Review By
Weston Houghton (@unsane1)2016-06-27 13:46:07
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@matthewdorman Looked into @getpantheon based on your tweets. First impression, not good at all. Unlikely to put them in front of my clients