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    98% Rating

Pantheon is a web hosting company that specializes in WordPress and Drupal. It provides extensive developer tools designed for organizations and agencies.

Pantheon has participated in our annual WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks and earned two top tier placements in 2016.

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postive reviewsNegative

Pantheon Review By
Eric J. Gruber (@ericjgruber)2016-04-27 14:58:21
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I’ve been waiting six days to get a support request resolved (that it screwed up) from @getpantheon. Used to recommend a lot, but now … no.

Pantheon Review By
Dan Ficker (@deliriousguy)2016-12-30 12:06:47
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Great. I can't get @getpantheon's Terminus to run Drush commands remotely anymore. And Composer doesn't yet offer the 1.0.0-beta.1 version.

Pantheon Review By
Sterling Hamilton (@SterLo)2016-06-23 13:19:56
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@newrelic "You do not have permission to view this account" every time we try to access the APM from @getpantheon :-\

negative reviewsNegative

Pantheon Review By
Joan????? ?? (@neojp)2021-04-27 19:28:16
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I'm having the worst experiences with deployments, backups, and restores on @getpantheon =/ I'm dreading making any sort of deployment now.

Pantheon Review By
Casey Driscoll (@caseydriscoll)2021-10-11 15:47:09
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@getpantheon WPMDB Error: File transfer error - Unable to create a temporary folder. (/code/wp-content/themes/tmp)

Pantheon Review By
Tom Whaley (@OzWhaley)2017-09-08 04:20:49
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@getpantheon your hosting has been down for 3 hours, with no ETA, poor comms, no status update, our site is losing thousands of dollars...