@sparkcom1 @OVH Actually I've never really had an issue with their service at all. A few workarounds here or there but good for the majority
@OVH The only downside is there is no BTC payment option. Other than that, great speeds, unlimited bandwidth. Very clean panel etc. :P
@SwiftOnSecurity Like @OVH did with the @dotovh . They're both awesome.
@OVH An absolute pleasure to do business with! You guys really know what you're doing, great performance and so straightforward, thank you.
@OVH Your hosting is great, but you need to make backups more accessible to the "little guy" (small VPS configurations).
I have been thoroughly impressed with my vps's hosted by @OVH! ive had 100% uptime, 100mbps w/ unlimited traffic, quick setup, and its cheap