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Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


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postive reviewsNegative

RackSpace Review By
Bryan Bugfrog (@bugfrog)2011-09-20 20:28:59
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5 out of 7 people found this review to be helpful

Fruck. @scobleizer just told me @Greeblemonkey isn't my family. This is worse than finding out I was adopted. I hate @rackspace now.

RackSpace Review By
Liberty Concepts (@libertyconcepts)2015-01-30 16:22:06
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

ALERT: We have detected an issue with our Rackspace hosted sites. If your site is having problems, we are aware and working to resolve ASAP.

RackSpace Review By
Adam Randazzo (@adamrandazzo)2015-01-30 08:52:01
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

Ugg. 6 hour @Rackspace cloud DB outage last night really hurt people getting deals from @MattGranite today =/

negative reviewsNegative

RackSpace Review By
Mark Ferguson (@Markfergusonuk)2015-01-30 09:43:23
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

@Rackspace no, fortunately the site is back up, but was down for 4 crucial hours this morning, which really hurt our work

RackSpace Review By
Brad Weikel (@bradweikel)2015-01-30 07:12:17
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@obiltschnig mine (in Chicago) was down for 3-4 hours, but is running smooth again. rackspace's worst night in years, though.

RackSpace Review By
Wesley (@WSiebenthal)2019-07-11 19:24:24
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1 out of 1 people found this review to be helpful

@Rackspace Employees don't look too happy, looks like people that just lost most of their benefits!