• Overall

    70% Rating
  • Support Rating

    78% Rating
  • Price Rating

    85% Rating
  • Uptime

    96% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - 24/7 CentOS Unmanaged
Phone - 24/7 Ubuntu
Phone - 24/7 Debian
Phone - 24/7 Fedora
Email - Yes Plesk Windows Partial


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Starting at $5
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Offer it?No
Offer it? Yes
Starting at $Yes

Linode has been providing VPS and Cloud hosting designed for developers since 2003. Linode has 9 data centers in 3 regions available and provides SSD backed servers in all of them.

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postive reviewsNegative

Linode Review By
Barry Gordon (@bkgStatus)2011-04-07 08:44:29
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@johngirvin You could give Linode a try, they have UK-based servers, but I've only upscaled with them, not sure how smooth down scaling is

Linode Review By
hobbified (@hobbified)2011-04-09 23:01:22
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@MisterGlass I don't believe it's @linode's fault really, looks like connectivity problems between Global Crossing and nLayer.

Linode Review By
Marjolein Katsma (@marjoleink)2011-04-10 02:30:06
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@gbraad I may yet return to #Linode as I learn more, I'm not overly happy with my current VPS setup (support is fine but I hate the CP)

negative reviewsNegative

Linode Review By
AlexandraSamuel.com (@awsamuel)2011-04-10 17:48:23
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For the record: alexandrasamuel.com currently down due a problem at Linode affecting a bunch of sites.

Linode Review By
Henri Watson (@henriwatson)2011-04-14 21:11:55
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@NullFear Grab a VPS at @linode I've had zero problems with them.

Linode Review By
Patrick Perdue (@borrisinabox)2011-04-16 15:18:29
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@JamesScholes @FreakyFwoof I have a boring linode uptime. Don't even know what it is. http://unstable.damnserver.com will tell you though.