• Overall

    65% Rating
  • Support Rating

    55% Rating
  • Price Rating

    66% Rating
  • Uptime

    98% Rating
Control Panels
Operating Systems
Phone - Paid Windows Unmanaged
Phone - Paid CentOS
Phone - Paid Ubuntu
Phone - Paid RedHat
Phone - Paid Debian
Phone - Paid Fedora
Email - No Plesk Windows Partial


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AWS is Amazon's Web Services cloud platform. It's the largest cloud provider with more services and tools than any other platform. It powers some of the internet's largest sites. Some of the hosting providers listed here are fully or partially built on top of Amazon Web Services including Heroku, Pagely, CloudWays, and Media Temple.

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postive reviewsNegative

Amazon Review By
Timan Rebel (@timanrebel)2011-04-21 04:45:18
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37 out of 42 people found this review to be helpful

Amazon AWS grinds to a halt and so does half the internet. Mobypicture down, Foursquare down, Quora down

Amazon Review By
Bill Grunau (@Own_Your_Future)2011-04-21 14:33:03
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7 out of 11 people found this review to be helpful

Hootsuite & other sites still down, huge outage today - info via Mashable http://tinyurl.com/438mwcp

Amazon Review By
Shreeya Sinha (@shreeyasinha)2011-04-21 18:03:55
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7 out of 12 people found this review to be helpful

What a pain: Amazon's server troubles have taken down Hootsuite, Cotweet, Reddit, Foursquare http://on.mash.to/her9W1

negative reviewsNegative

Amazon Review By
Official Account (@CosmoOnline)2011-04-21 13:04:03
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2 out of 3 people found this review to be helpful

There's a tech issue affecting lots of sites, should be fixed soon!: http://on.mash.to/gjWBRh RT @Luciecamp4: All Cosmo links are broken.

Amazon Review By
John Yerhot (@yerhot)2017-02-28 14:24:38
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1 out of 1 people found this review to be helpful

Not being able to upload stupid pictures to Slack/GitHub is really hurting my productivity. @awscloud this is serious.

Amazon Review By
John Pena (@johnpena)2011-03-21 16:52:01
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1 out of 1 people found this review to be helpful

Amazon AWS documentation is awful. The FPS 'basic intro' guide is 109 pages long. I'm actually surprised that its not a joke.