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postive reviewsNegative

Amazon Review By
Sohaib Furqan (@sohaibfurqan_)2023-01-20 16:27:29
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For something as globally admired as @awscloud, the Cognito API reference is dreadful. And pretty useless. Needs a major overhaul...

Amazon Review By
Jay jinglheimer (@Ungoverned2A)2023-01-20 15:57:19
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@GovernorVA @awscloud Says the guy who backs down to China. You’re turning out to be a mistake. Grow a pair Glenn.

Amazon Review By
Chris Deeley (@ThatChris1209)2023-01-18 14:55:37
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@DrownedinSound @awscloud companies really do like to make it as difficult as possible to give them money. for some reason.

negative reviewsNegative

Amazon Review By
Melkey (@MelkeyDev)2023-01-18 11:37:14
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Another bad day in tech. 10k laid off from @Microsoft and 8k from @awscloud. Tough and scary times

Amazon Review By
Jeff (@jeffjohnscott)2023-01-15 23:31:49
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@SNFonNBC @awscloud Harbaugh with the worst play call of the season. He really sucks

Amazon Review By
kingAVAX.avax (@KINGAVAX)2023-01-15 10:31:03
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@lonelyrooster_ @awscloud Dude’s a poor troll