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    65% Rating
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    98% Rating
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Phone - Paid CentOS
Phone - Paid Ubuntu
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Email - No Plesk Windows Partial


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AWS is Amazon's Web Services cloud platform. It's the largest cloud provider with more services and tools than any other platform. It powers some of the internet's largest sites. Some of the hosting providers listed here are fully or partially built on top of Amazon Web Services including Heroku, Pagely, CloudWays, and Media Temple.

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postive reviewsNegative

Amazon Review By
Mojave (@Mojave0007)2023-03-10 19:06:05
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@wildwestundead @awscloud Omg can't wait, looks amazing

Amazon Review By
Chase Meier (@ChaseMeier35)2023-03-10 17:28:20
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@NHL @awscloud He’s not good… been saying this for years

Amazon Review By
nick (@ROTYNick)2023-03-10 16:28:04
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@NHL @awscloud he’s literally not good based off these stats lol

negative reviewsNegative

Amazon Review By
BradTheMtlHabsFan (@bradlightning1)2023-03-10 16:07:55
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@NHL @awscloud Vasilevskiy sucks. Not even a top 15 goalie in the league

Amazon Review By
Michael Graff (@MichaelEGraff)2023-03-09 01:08:54
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@QuinnyPig @awscloud This morning I gave my AWS account team an earful regarding those stupid NAT Gateway emails.

Amazon Review By
Glen (@gleninmpls)2023-03-08 18:37:36
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@QuinnyPig @awscloud I made a stupid terraform mistake on a route block using for_each. All fixed.