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Pantheon is a web hosting company that specializes in WordPress and Drupal. It provides extensive developer tools designed for organizations and agencies.

Pantheon has participated in our annual WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks and earned two top tier placements in 2016.

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postive reviewsPositive

Pantheon Review By
Dan Burkhart (@danburkhart)2015-04-03 01:48:45
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@getpantheon Thanks for coming into the @recurly offices today. It was great to sit down and chat. You guys rule.

Pantheon Review By
Cal Evans (@CalEvans)2015-04-03 14:11:52
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Great time talking with @jacqueswoodcock & his team re/#WordPres. Probably the last time I’ll get to say “Take a look at @getpantheon.” :)

Pantheon Review By
Jacques Woodcock (@jacqueswoodcock)2015-04-03 16:11:18
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@CalEvans doubt that. You know good companies and always recommend them. Thanks for being awesome and sharing your knowledge. @getpantheon

negative reviewsNegative

Pantheon Review By
Putra Bonaccorsi (@putrabon)2015-12-04 14:01:52
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"You can't throw hardware at a performance problem and expect it to stay fixed." REAL TALK @outlandishjosh #wcus @getpantheon

Pantheon Review By
Greg Anderson (@greg_1_anderson)2015-12-15 12:01:33
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@eeeschwartz At the moment, if you manage your #drupal site with Composer, then you do not use @getpantheon dashboard updates.

Pantheon Review By
Cathy Finn-Derecki (@saracup)2015-12-18 16:45:11
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45 minutes since @getpantheon support was contacted about a live site being down. Not even assigned yet. Fed up.