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Pantheon is a web hosting company that specializes in WordPress and Drupal. It provides extensive developer tools designed for organizations and agencies.

Pantheon has participated in our annual WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks and earned two top tier placements in 2016.

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postive reviewsPositive

Pantheon Review By
Cal Evans (@CalEvans)2015-04-03 16:13:43
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@jacqueswoodcock @getpantheon True. I meant last time as a Pantheor. :) Still recommend them to anyone looking for rock solid WP hosting.

Pantheon Review By
Cal Evans (@CalEvans)2015-04-03 16:29:01
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I will OF COURSE continue to recommend @getpantheon to anyone looking for a rock solid WP/Drupal dev platform, just not as a Pantheor. :)

Pantheon Review By
Matt Gibbs (@mgibbs189)2015-04-06 15:35:43
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@devdesignstampa @campbellvertesi @getpantheon We're working on ACF integration. That repo is great, but looks to be ACF 5 only

negative reviewsNegative

Pantheon Review By
Jihad Rookie (@jihadrookie)2015-12-23 09:38:29
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@getpantheon its really funny when poor muslims ask for money

Pantheon Review By
Joshi Consultancy (@joshicsin)2015-12-29 10:15:54
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. @getpantheon Your pathetic support is not helping. #51878

Pantheon Review By
wileysegovia (@wileysegovia)2015-12-31 16:06:24
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@getpantheon @pantheonstatus getting a 502 Bad Gateway nginx error. No response to support ticket. Dead in the water. No SSH access.