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Pantheon is a web hosting company that specializes in WordPress and Drupal. It provides extensive developer tools designed for organizations and agencies.

Pantheon has participated in our annual WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks and earned two top tier placements in 2016.

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postive reviewsPositive

Pantheon Review By
Developing Designs (@devdesignstampa)2015-04-06 15:36:52
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@mgibbs189 @campbellvertesi @getpantheon Keep up the good work. wp-cfm makes my life so much easier. Can't thank you guys enough!

Pantheon Review By
Andrew Jones (@AtlantaJones)2015-04-07 14:08:05
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@scottjohnson I like Media Temple for basic stuff, but for a serious Wordpress workflow, I really love @getpantheon

Pantheon Review By
Bay Content (@BayContent)2015-04-09 18:07:36
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@getpantheon would love to discuss your platform

negative reviewsNegative

Pantheon Review By
Doug Ireton (@dougireton)2016-01-12 00:59:35
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@fujin_ @getpantheon thank you. Shout out to @PepeLeRoux, @oifland, and @SerenaAhuja for all their hard work on chefdk_bootstrap. #goteam

Pantheon Review By
Mr. Money Mustache (@mrmoneymustache)2016-01-13 13:55:33
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@JamesRoloff Uh-oh, you are right! I put in a little note and used it as an excuse to thank @getpantheon for my site continuing to work :-)

Pantheon Review By
Overwatch Media News (@Overwatch_Media)2016-01-18 05:02:47
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@getpantheon TRUTH! I've been in business for myself since 2007 and I always thought I needed to perfect it before 'launch' = FALSE!