• Overall

    48% Rating
  • Support Rating

    60% Rating
  • Price Rating

    78% Rating
  • Uptime

    87% Rating

WestHost provides Shared, VPS and Dedicated web hosting.

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postive reviewsPositive

West Host Review By
Rich (@Sensei_Rich)2012-02-26 11:42:13
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6 out of 8 people found this review to be helpful

I just want to thank @WestHost @whhelp #webhost for the best and most friendly top notch tech support around. The 4AM tech guys #needcoffee

West Host Review By
Perren Smith (@peabodyfmdev)2020-03-11 01:51:59
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2 out of 2 people found this review to be helpful

@JeremyCMorgan WestHost. Haven’t failed me since 2002. Give them a look.

West Host Review By
LaleeD (@LaleeD)2017-03-10 16:33:23
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2 out of 3 people found this review to be helpful

@WestHost "And I'll be a fool for you my love" "you know I don't mind" "you will always be my endless #WestHostcompetition

negative reviewsNegative

West Host Review By
Erik Schneider (@ErikDSchneider)2020-03-26 03:24:41
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3 out of 4 people found this review to be helpful

email has been down for three days now. No, "Sorry, mate" or "oops, my bad!" from Westhost. Thanks @WestHost and @whhelp #GFYS

West Host Review By
DaayumTeeyum (@DaayumTeeyum)2017-08-18 03:00:46
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Do NOT use @WestHost for ANYTHING. They're absolutely incompetent. They ruined a website it took me years and thousands of dollars to build.

West Host Review By
Aaron Gustafson (@AaronGustafson)2011-02-23 07:33:59
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appreciates the link love from @vpieters, but is disappointed @WestHost can't keep the server from soiling itself when someone looks at it.