• Overall

    45% Rating
  • Support Rating

    44% Rating
  • Price Rating

    51% Rating
  • Uptime

    95% Rating

GoDaddy is one of the largest web hosting providers in the world and is publicly traded (NYSE:GDDY). GoDaddy offers Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Cloud and WordPress hosting.

GoDaddy has participated in our WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks for the past 4 years and earned top tier status in 2013, and 2014 as well as an honorable mention in 2016.

GoDaddy Coupons

  • cjcwp1 25% off WordPress Hosting
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postive reviewsPositive

GoDaddy Review By
Maya Thomas (@AskMaya)2011-09-01 17:09:51
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74 out of 90 people found this review to be helpful

@GoDaddy you have the BEST customer service in the WORLD! Thank you for having such nice, helpful and smart people!

GoDaddy Review By
yongfook (@yongfook)2011-08-16 22:19:04
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19 out of 29 people found this review to be helpful

just bought a domain on godaddy and there was the option to round-up the total and give it to charity. such an awesome idea.

GoDaddy Review By
Mari Smith (@MariSmith)2011-08-27 23:10:18
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24 out of 42 people found this review to be helpful

Hahaa I crack myself up sometimes. I get a blinding flash of a great domain idea & go to GoDaddy, only to find someone has it... it's me!!

negative reviewsNegative

GoDaddy Review By
Little Blondie (@_LittleBlondie_)2011-11-12 08:18:18
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66 out of 79 people found this review to be helpful

@mdvaldosta @GoDaddy #GoDaddy has a reputation for extorting their customers, Google search "Godaddy sucks"

GoDaddy Review By
Molly Wood (@mollywood)2012-02-06 01:14:08
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96 out of 122 people found this review to be helpful

I gotta say, between the elephant shooting, the pro-SOPA crap, and the dedication to sleazy naked-chick ads, @godaddy is Yuck of the Year.

GoDaddy Review By
Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)2011-05-27 14:34:42
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26 out of 30 people found this review to be helpful

I hate GoDaddy with the heat of a thousand suns.